WhatsApp: Archive, Delete or Tag as read several chats

whatsappWhatsApp released an update which affords you among others to archive, delete or tag as read several chats at the same time. And this is how it works…

Update WhatsApp

For using this functionality you need to have at least WhatsApp version 2.16.7. Open the App Store on your iPhone and tap Updates in the right corner at the bottom to see if a new update is available and execute it.

Archive, Delete or Tag as read several chats

Open WhatsApp on your iPhone and switch to the tab Chats on the taskbar at the bottom. Tap Edit in the upper left corner.


For one thing you get the possibility to delete all message histories by tap delete all in the upper right corner.

In case there are one or more unread messages, you are able to tag them as read at the same time by tap Read in the middle at the bottom.

You are also able to select several chats by tapping one after another. Now you can archive (bottom left), tag as read (bottom middle) or delete (bottom right) all selected chats.
