Delete All Completed Reminders At Once
The default app “Reminders” is extremly handy while on the go. As you can check your pending reminders as well as your completed reminders, but once completed you might want to clear all completed reminders. So far there is no convenient solution to delete all reminders on iPhone. But can help you to delete all completed reminders at once!
This trick does not work on iOS because you cannot visit the website on your iPhone or iPad. So you need a computer (Mac or PC) with internet access for this short guide.
Sign into iCloud
Open the website in any browser on your computer.
Enter your Apple ID and password und click the “Sign in” arrow.
Go to Reminders
On the home screen of your iCloud account, you have to choose “Reminders”.
In the sidebar on the left side, click “Reminders” or another list, of which you want to delete completed reminders.
Below the name of the list, you will see the number of completed tasks. Click the arrow next to it.
It will open a drop-down menu, in which you will see all the completed tasks (sorted by completion date).
Delete all Reminders
On the right side, you will now encounter a new button: “Clear Completed”. By pressing this button you can irreversibly delete all completed reminders in this list. This process has to be confirmed again on a pop-up window and then it’s all cleared out.
Tip: With this trick you can activate reminders for specific locations.